The Mendeley API Binary Battle

Mendeley, the academic social network for organizing, discovering and collaborating around research, has announced an API contest.

Mendeley is awarding $10,001 for anyone kinlane-productions2.s3.amazonaws.com0 million documents, usage statistics, reader demographics, social tags, and related research.

All you need to do is: You can enter more than one app to increase your chances of winning one of the prizes.

Winners will be announced on October 31st, 2011.

The contest has some well known judges:
  • Juan Enriquez - Managing Director of Excel Venture Management and CEO of Biotechonomy.
  • Tim O'Reilly - Founder of O'Reilly Media.
  • James Powell - CTO of Thomson Reuters, the world's leading information services company. Werner Vogels - CTO of and former research scientist at Cornell University.
  • John Wilbanks - VP for Science at Creative Commons and former bioinformatics entrepreneur.
Judges will be evaluating winners based upon the following criteria:
  • How active is your application?
  • How viral is the app?
  • Does the application increase collaboration and/or transparency?
  • How cool is your app?
Register for a Mendeley API key to get started.