WSO2 Now Has API Reporting With Google Analytics

WSO2's open source API management platform for creating, managing, consuming and monitoring APIs, now has the ability to track API usage through Google Analytics.

Since APIs are deployed using HTTP, the same transport we are using for websites, it makes sense that we should be able to see statistics for both our websites and APIs, side-by-side using Google Analytics.

After creating a new profile for your API in Google Analytics you can put the tracking code into your WSO2 API Management interface and begin seeing real-time or standard (24 hour) reporting on API traffic in the Google Analytics interface.

Since Google Analytics has an API and widgets, you will be able to use this data easily in other reports or system integrations that may need access to your API usage data.

It is great to see innovation around API analytics and reporting, beyond the standard dashboards we've seen from most providers. I'd like to see more stories and scripts to help automate API reporting using Google Analytics, StatsD and Graphite or platforms like Mixpanel.

Disclosure:  WSO2 is an API Evangelist platform partner