If You Need Assistance With Your Healthcare API Strategy I Have The Person

I get a lot of folks who engage me about the API space, most of them are API providers, many are focused on API consumption, with only just a small few are looking the evangelism and analyst side of things. As far as I know I’m the only individual out there looking at all industries, across all of these areas, working hard to understand how APIs are being applied across the board.

I’m always keeping an eye out for talent that is also working to expand their knowledge in the same way, but as the API universe expands I think this is going to be increasingly difficult, and I think we are going to start needing more analysts who focus within specific domains, and business sectors.

With this in mind, I’ve been closely watching Mark Silverberg (@skram) over at SocialHealthInsights.com, and is what I’d considered to be an API expert when it comes to the convergence of healthcare and APIs.

Mark is always hacking on interesting things related to healthcare, and pushing the envelope when it comes to healthcare APIs, by not just hacking on healthcare APIs, but also developing apps for Google Glass. Mark has developed his expertise in a similar way as I do, by hacking, telling stories, and consulting--which I think is the best way to develop yourself as an API expert.

Earlier this spring the FDA was preparing their new developer area, including the release of a handful of APIs like the drug labeling and adverse effects APis, and a handful of us with DC connections that were on the backchannel, providing feedback for the FDA during this beta period. Unfortunately I was too busy traveling to participate, but Mark was front and center providing some serious feedback on the API, resulting data, and the overall approach by the FDA.

It has taken me four long years to develop my eye for not just the technical, but the business and political approach to delivering APIs, and it is something I’ve only lightly touched on when it comes to the healthcare sector. I would say that Mark is this, cultivating a pretty critical eye for what is important when it comes to APIs in the healthcare space. If you are needing any guidance when it comes to planning, designing, deploying, and managing your healthcare APIs I recommend you connect with Mark, he can help you out like nobody else I know—make sure and tell him I sent you his way.