APIs Role In Data Security And Privacy

As we get close to wrapping up the first month in 2015, it is clear that Internet security and privacy will continue to be front and center this year. As technology continues to play a central role in our personal and business lives--security, transparency, and respect for privacy is only growing more critical.

I know I'm biased in thinking that APIs will continue to take a central role in this conversation, but I feel it is true. Many of the existing conversations around security about platforms like Snapchat, and MoonPig, are directly related to APIs, while other security scope at companies like Sony, JP Morgan Chase, and beyond could easily be reduced with a sensible API strategy.

Companies are increasingly operating online, but do not act like any of information lives in an online environment. Adopting an API approach to defining company resources, helps map out this surface area, acknowledging it is available over the Internet, and works to define, secure, and monitor this surface in a healthier way.

Mobile users need access to their data, and by applying an API centric approach, providing account management, data portability, and access and identity controls using oAuth, you can increase transparency, while also strengthening overall security. If your company operations is centered around customer and end-user data transactions, you should be making all data points available via an API, accompanied by a well oiled oAuth layer to help end-users manage their resources, playing a significant role in their own privacy and security.

I'm not delusional in thinking that APIs provide a perfect solution for all our security and privacy woes, it doesn't, but it does set a tone for a more healthy conversation about how companies are doing business on the open Internet, and how we can better secure the online web, mobile, and device-based applications we are increasingly depending on in this new world we have created.