Visualizing And Exploring My Microservices Catalog Using APIs.json With Swagger.ed

I'm just getting started exploring the ways to use APIs.json when it comes organize my new Docker fueled, micro services stack. I’ve been using APIs.son to describe each micro service, as well as define the overall collection of almost 20 micro services. I’m using the include collection, as a navigation for the loosely coupled stack of micro-services, and my friend Chris Spiliotopoulos (@chefarchitect), has done some more work with his Swagger.ed, delivering some APIs.json goodness that is in alignment with where I want to take all of this.

Adding to the discovery and visualization work he did for Swagger, Chris enabled Swagger.ed to look for valid APIs.son files as well, so when you browse to any APIs.son, like the one I have for my micro services stack, you see the little APIs.son search icon in the address bar.

When you click on the APIs.son search icon in the address bar, you get a very cool visualization. Its pretty basic at the moment, just a visual catalog of the APIs available in the include collection of my stack, but when you connect up with the Swagger visualization work he's already done, we could have a pretty cool API catalog for managing and exploring microservices.

I have almost 20 micro-services listed, and Swagger.ed gives me the ability to navigate it in a very interactive way. Whats next? We don’t know…it is about exploration, and finding out the most meaningful way of exploring the APIs I deploy and aggregate into APIs.son collections.

I can see having a visual catalog of all of my API design that I collect, then deploy, and evolve them as needed for various parts of my infrastructure or for my clients, into other sub-collections? Disconnected collections? Loosely coupled collections? Not sure how tight I want things, part of the micro service definition for me is the size of the network connecting the services, as well as the services theselves.