Thank You Berlin For Helping Make APIDaysBerlin / APIStrat Europe So Amazing!

I am still coming off the high that was @APIDaysBerlin / @APIStrat Europe this last April 23rd through 25th in Berlin. There were a number of talks that I enjoyed, ranging from open data, to 3D printing, to hypermedia--too many to list. I love the German view of technology, data privacy, and generally on what is going on in the United States.

Other than the wifi issues, the conference was a success. We sold out the event, with 450 people in attendance (goal was 400), and even with the final day being on a Saturday, the turnout was very impressive. Each session I ran, was full of questions, with an IoT session, and another architecture session running 10 minutes over, because there were so many good questions, I didn't want to stop.

We are processing the videos from the conference, which I will spend time watching each one--telling stories along the way. So keep an eye out on API Evangelist, and on the @APIStrat blog for each video release, as we will be trickling them out as each video comes off the production line over the next couple of weeks.  

Thank you to 3Scale, APIDays, and Commerce Tools to for making sure this amazing event came together. I'm just now getting my brain back in gear, so look for more  @APIDaysBerlin / @APIStrat stories over next couple weeks!

Thank you so much Berlin! I look forward to coming back for the next event.