AWS Has A Blog That Is Dedicated To The Command Line

Amazon has a new blog dedicated to just their Command Line Interface (CLI). I use AWS as anchor for many of my API stories, but I also acknowledge that many API providers will never be at the scale of AWS, but nonetheless I am drawn to the regular streams of lessons available via the cloud platform, if you look in the cracks.

The new AWS CLI blog is one of these. I do not think all API providers should run out and start a separate blog for their CLI, but the existence of a dedicated CLI blog at AWS shows the significance of CLI to the API world. If you are looking to court the enterprise, and many other developer groups, a CLI should be a very relevant tool in your toolbox. If a platform interface is not also available via a CLI, you might be missing an entire segment of the developer community.

Like with my IDE, and SDK research, I may be firing up a separate area for CLI. I regularly curated CLI focused conversation, services, and tooling during my monitoring, making it a good candidate for isolation into its own research project. Part of the reason in isolating into its own research, is that the topic will get regular attention from me, and a single repo for storing my research, which means the chances my understanding around the topic will increase greatly.