What are People Doing with Swagger and OpenAPI?

I recently harvested all of the open source tooling that is being built on the OpenAPI and Swagger specifications from GitHub. I am looking to better understand what people are doing with the specification, and parsing the words people use to describe their open source project is a good way for me to quickly pull together a list of what matters. If people are building a tool to solve a problem, and publish that on GitHub, it is a good sign that it is an itch needing scratching--here is the tag cloud from this list of what people are doing with both Swagger and OpenAPI.

Semantically they all don’t jive, but it does paint an interesting picture of what is happening in the OpenAPI community. I am going to be working on this list to establish a more solid reference for the OpenAPI community. I am looking to profile all of these tools as part of the OAI demand generation work I am doing, but I am also interested in continuing to map the API lifecycle and keep mapping how open source OpenAPI tooling fits into the picture. We have built up a lot of momentum over the years, but this landscape is still pretty fractured and disorganized, making it difficult to navigate—I am looking to change that.