Evolving My API Stack To Be A Public Repo For Sharing API Discovery, Monitoring, And Rating Information

My API Stack began as a news site, and evolved into a directory of the APIs that I monitor in the space. I published APIs.json indexes for the almost 1000 companies I am trackig on, with almost 400 OADF files for some of the APIs I've profiled in more detail. My mission around the project so far, has been to create an open source, machine readable repo for the API space.

I have  had two recent occurrences that are pushing me to expand on my API Stack work. First, I have other entities who want to contribute monitoring data and other elements I would like to see collected, but haven't had time. The other is I that I have started spidering the URLs of the API portals I track on, and need a central place to store the indexes, so that others can access.

Ultimately I'd like to see the API Stack act as a public repo, where anyone can grab the data they need to discovery, evaluate, integrate, and stay in tune with what APIs are doing, or not doing. In addition to finding OADF, API Blueprint, and RAML files by crawling and indexing API portals, and publishing in a public repo, I want to build out the other building blocks that I index with APIs.json, like pricing, and TOS changes, and potentially monitoring, testing, performance data available.

Next I will publish some pricing, monitoring, and portal site crawl indexes to the repo, for some of the top APIs out there, and start playing with the best way to store the JSON, and other files, and provide an easy way explore and play with the data. If you have any data that you are collecting, and would like to contribute, or have a specific need you'd like to see tracked on, let me know, and I'll add to the road map.

My goal is to go for quality and completeness of data there, before I look to scale, and expand the quantity of information and tooling available. Let me know if you have any thoughts or feedback.