An APIs.json API Contract

I have been exploring the addition of a new property type to APIs.json called “Contract”. I wrote about recently how we need to expand our definition of the API contract beyond a technical contract like OpenAPI or AsyncAPI. I am looking to establish a baseline any company could use as a boilerplate contract between API consumer and producer. Here is the draft I have crafted to express the minimum API contract.

I’d consider this to be a B2B API consumer and producer API contract. It reflects what I like to have from all of the API providers I depend on to run API Evangelist. Next I will make a slightly more advanced version of this B2B API contract, and consider what an API contract might look like at the industry level, for PSD2, FHIR, or other standard. I will work on better documenting how to share an API contract with your API producers, and brainstorm other ways to encourage API consumers to leverage API contracts.