I went to API Days SF yesterday. Unfortunately, due to an unexpected obligation on the other coast I was unable to make it in time for the Friday kick-off. But after my plane landed at OAK yesterday I headed over to enjoy the last few talks, participate in a panel and network with everyone in attendance.
I really like the API Days format. I've done all 3 of the events now including Paris, Madrid and now San Francisco. Each event is an intimate mix of API experts, craftspeople and the API curious.
You can easily rub elbows with everyone and learn from everyone there. All speakers are accessible, and the spaces are always small enough that you have some amazing conversations, while enjoying good food and drink.
I'd love to see more API Days pop up around the world, I really think it is a great format for introducing APIs into new region and spread the API best practices, knowledge and wisdom we often take for granted here in Silicon Valley.
The API Days event model is an open source approach to throwing API events, so if you think you'd like to throw your own API Days gathering in your city, you can! The community is extremely supportive and we will do what we can to help make sure you are successful, you just have to provide the local ingredients.
I know there is another, original API Days Paris planned for the end of the year, but I'd love to see the format spread to other locations around the globe.
Thanks to faberNovel, Webshell and Parisoma for organizing and thanks to Layer 7 Technologies, 3Scale, Intel, SOA Software, Mulesoft, API Spark and Apiphany for supporting.