Adding New Section For My Sixteen Basic API Templates

As I build out new APIs for use across my systems, as well as map out the landscape of valuable API resources available today, I'm working to define templates that other API providers can follow when designing and deploying their own API infrastructure. I've accumulated 16 basic templates, prompting me to add a new section to the website called templates.

These projects represent the templates I've established through my existing research, and will add other templates as they come off the assembly line. These API designs aren't mean to be the perfect solution for production environements, but to be seeds for new conversation around APIs, as well as providing a basic pattern you can use to start your own development.

Each API is functional, and has its own Github repository for storing of a Swagger definition, Swagger UI Interactive Documentation, as well as the server side code that I will open source with each template. As I move forward each template, I will publish changes to their repos, as well as maintain a roadmap via each projects Github milestones. 


This project is a template actions API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private actions API.

This project is a template event API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private event API.

This project is a template human API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private human API.

This project is a template image API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private image API.

This project is a template job API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private job API.

This project is a template lifeboats API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private lifeboats API.

This project is a template links API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private links API.

This project is a template office API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private office API.

This project is a template people API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private people API.

This project is a template places API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private places API.

This project is a template press API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private intention API.

This project is a template product API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private product API.

This project is a template program API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private program API.

This project is a template questions API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private questions API.

This project is a template services API, mean to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private services API.

This project is a template video API, meant to demonstrate what is possible with an API. My intention with template APIs is to help onboard folks with new ideas for APIs, and this is one in particular is meant to kickstart the conversation around having a public or private video API.

My APIs are currently developed in PHP, but for me the real value is the Swagger API definitions, and eventually I will also generate Python, Ruby, and Node.js versions of these same APIs. The code is disposable in my mind, and my goal will be to evolve each of the template definitions.

I intend to create cloud container images  for all my API templates, providing blueprints others can use deploying on AWS, Heroku, Google App Engine, and othe popular cloud image formats, including Docker.

As I add features to my production versions of these APIs, I will carve these features off and add to each templates. If you've taken one and added to it, feel free to share your patterns back with the community, and I'd be happy to showcase. I would also entertain the addition of any templates you would like to share with the community as well.