As I study the approach of bot, and messaging platform integrations like Current, I keep thinking about the potential for API injection at this layer of messaging. In this scenario I am thinking about Slack, and how you craft messages, approach the unfurling of links, and customize attachments.
I am envisioning a Twitter Cards, but a more open approach, that can help companies deliver nice looking, well designed, and media rich messages that deliver what messaging users are looking for. The service would be cross platform, allowing me to design for Twitter Cards, Slack Messages, or any other messaging platform that finds its 15 minutes of tech fame. With just a little bit of exploration of how to craft a good looking, and functional Slack message, I can see this being a full time job for someone.
When building my own messaging integration or bot solutions is to not vomit up any text, images, or functionality into people's message timeline. I would like to understand how to deliver exactly what they need, in a visually appealing way. Like every other channel I've developed a competency around, I want to understand the best approaches employed by the savviest of the channel operators, and if I can encourage them to offer their solutions as a service, I will. I don't have the time or patience to master every channel (ie. mobile), and will gladly pay for the right service that actually helps me do this right.
If you are working on any simple solutions that touch on helping inject API resources, and craft them into meaningful messages and experiences, via platforms like Slack, let me know. If you aren't, but want to do as startup, get going, send me a beta invite, and I'll make sure you have my address so you can send the royalty checks.