The next round of the Oracle v Google Java API Copyright battle has kicked off again in San Francisco after being sent back to the lower court by the United States Supreme Court. This round is all about deciding if Google's usage of the Java API in their Android platform was allowed under fair use. If I was in San Francisco I would be there to hear the case first hand--I am lucky there are some really smart folks covering the case and live tweeting things.
I went through the Tweets from Sarah Jeong (@sarahjeong), contributing editor at @Motherboard, Parker Higgins (@xor), EFF activist, and Mike Swift (@Swiftstories), Senior Correspondent for MLex. They are all providing some smart, and pretty amusing commentary on what is going on, so I wanted to organize the relevant Tweets into a Twitter collection summary for inclusion in my research.
I will add more tweets to it each day of the trial, and since it's a Twitter collection, it will update here on the blog post, or if you'd rather,you can access it directly via Twitter. I have no idea how long this round of the case will play out, but I will definitely be tuning in, and ranting about it when I have time.
Let me know if there is anyone else covering the trial, that I should be including in the Twitter collection. I want to try and capture as complete of a record as possible, from multiple perspectives if possible. While I am bummed that the precedent for copyright has been established for APIs, I'm hopeful that we can look at this round as an API literacy opportunity. ;-)