I created a JSON feed of the web concepts and specs over at Erik Wilde's (@dret) site WebConcepts.info, so that I could easily import the specs into my Twitter and LinkedIn scheduling tools. I want to be able to schedule a tweet a day until I've exhausted all of the critical web concepts and supporting specs that Erik is showcasing in his work. Digital literacy, when it comes to these concepts, and proficiency at applying the specifications across the APIs that are driving growth in the sector is super important, so I want to help.
After I created the JSON file, Erik went ahead and crafted an official one derived from mine, but he did a nicer, and more complete job than I did. He initially only did the web concepts, but right before I was ready to publish this he did the specs edition as well. Now you can use the direct links to the JSON (or XML) in his Github repo, or fork the project and integrate directly into your platform.
I am going to get to work on some proof of concepts, and prototypes to demonstrate how I'd like to see these web concepts and specs be integrated with API design tooling and API developer portals. I'm just getting started with these thoughts but I would like to see auto-complete, tool tips, and other design time HTTP literacy solutions emerge and evolve. I hate to admit it, but many API developers and architects are probably not looking past their API design tooling and services, and the integrated development environments (IDEs) they depend on each day when it comes to their web literacy. Erik's hard work to showcase these building blocks of the web is a great start, and I hope provides us all with some essential curriculum that we can deliver straight to developers, where they are already working.