All of my websites have run 100% on Github for the last three years. The core of my API industry research is always in JSON or YAML, stored in individual project-based Github repositories. I leverage Jekyll for the page and other content collections (blogs, news, etc.). Since 2011 I’ve used my own homebrew CMS system, making it accommodate the switch to a more static presence on Github.
Over the weekend I ditched my CMS and lit up a new CMS I came across called Siteleaf, which has all the core features I need: Github, Jekyll, Amazon S3, and API. This is how I manage a couple hundred API research sites, and the images, video, and other heavy objects I store using Amazon S3–these services and tools are critical to my business.
I am writing this post in Siteleaf. I do not have it setup for publishing across all of my websites, but so far it has worked for getting up 3 blog posts on API Evangelist, providing me with a successful test run. Siteleaf represents how I think software tools should be built, providing a simple useful application, that leverages Github, common storage like AWS S3, Dropbox, and others, and of course, they should ALL have an API.