Heavier Investment In API Training Will Be Necessary


I was learning about the virtual classes that Github are offering, as I was working on some basic API curriculum for some of my clients, and I was reminded of how important training and education is when it comes to technological adoption. Not everyone learns the same way, and not everyone is an autodidact, and providing training around any technology, platform, or service your company, institution, or government agency is adopting is important.

If you look at the historic spending of leading API companies like Apigee, you’ll see a large chunk of the budget going to educating and bringing would be or existing clients up to speed with the technology in play. Training and education will be a significant portion of each of the trends you see in play like DevOps, Microservices, and Serverless. A core aspect of all of these movements hinges on unwinding legacy technical debt and moving often large groups of people forward with a new way of doing things–if education isn’t a significant portion of your strategy, you will fail.

If you see any interesting API training out there on LinkedIn (Lynda), or on the open web, please let me know, I’d like to start curating more resources for people to use. I am also working with groups to develop their own internal API training and curriculum to match not just the wider API space, but also what is going on internally within an organization. In coming months I will also be going through each of my research areas that might help API providers think about how they are going to tackle API education and help my readers understand that a heavier investment in API training will be necessary to steer the ship where you want it to go.