The Open Source Community Tooling Built on AsyncAPI


  • asyncapi - (forks: 77) (stars: 1139) (watchers: 1139) - the asyncapi specification allows you to create machine-readable definitions of your asynchronous apis.


  • widdershins - (forks: 208) (stars: 665) (watchers: 665) - openapi / swagger, asyncapi & semoasa definitions to slate / shins compatible markdown
  • generator - (forks: 54) (stars: 113) (watchers: 113) - use your asyncapi definition to generate literally anything. markdown documentation, node.js code, html documentation, anything!
  • api2html - (forks: 18) (stars: 93) (watchers: 93) - a cli tool to transform swagger/openapi/asyncapi docs to beautiful html pages via shins/widdershins.
  • github action - (forks: 0) (stars: 24) (watchers: 24) - github action to deploy your api documentation on bump
  • docgen - (forks: 11) (stars: 17) (watchers: 17) - asyncapi documentation generator. deprecated in favour of
  • swagger4kafka - (forks: 4) (stars: 17) (watchers: 17) - automated documentation for kafka consumers built with spring (with @kafkalistener)
  • saunter - (forks: 7) (stars: 15) (watchers: 15) - saunter is an asyncapi documentation generator for dotnet.
  • scribano - (forks: 0) (stars: 5) (watchers: 5) - automatically build asyncapi documentation for your rabbitmq messages


  • slack api specs - (forks: 36) (stars: 122) (watchers: 122) - open api specifications for platform products by slack


  • openapi filter - (forks: 14) (stars: 32) (watchers: 32) - filter internal paths, operations, parameters, schemas etc from openapi/swagger/asyncapi definitions

Code Generation

  • asyncapi react - (forks: 13) (stars: 23) (watchers: 23) - asyncapi react component
  • node codegen - (forks: 5) (stars: 14) (watchers: 14) - an asyncapi codegen for node.js
  • apicurio data models - (forks: 6) (stars: 11) (watchers: 11) - a library (java and javascript compatible) to implement data models for openapi and asyncapi.
  • asyncapi - (forks: 2) (stars: 5) (watchers: 5) - flogo extensions to support asyncapi
  • java spring cloud stream - (forks: 3) (stars: 4) (watchers: 4) - java spring cloud stream template for the asyncapi generator
  • python paho template - (forks: 2) (stars: 4) (watchers: 4) - python paho template for the asyncapi generator


  • topic definition - (forks: 5) (stars: 26) (watchers: 26) - asyncapi topic structure definition


  • github action - (forks: 0) (stars: 24) (watchers: 24) - github action to deploy your api documentation on bump
  • spectral action - (forks: 5) (stars: 19) (watchers: 19) - github action wrapper for spectral - a json/yaml/openapi/asyncapi/etc linter with custom rule support.
  • github action for generat - (forks: 1) (stars: 10) (watchers: 10) - github action to generate all the things from your asyncapi document using the asyncapi generator
  • asyncapi github action - (forks: 1) (stars: 5) (watchers: 5) - github action to validate if asyncapi schema file is valid or not.


  • parser go - (forks: 6) (stars: 18) (watchers: 18) - it parses asyncapi documents.
  • parser js - (forks: 9) (stars: 7) (watchers: 7) - asyncapi parser for javascript (browser-compatible too).


  • asyncapi validator - (forks: 2) (stars: 17) (watchers: 17) - message validator for kafka/rabbitmq/anything through asyncapi schema
  • vertx asyncapi contract - (forks: 0) (stars: 10) (watchers: 10) - vert.x asyncapi contract provides a validation layer when publishing messages in vert.x eventbus
  • check_api - (forks: 2) (stars: 6) (watchers: 6) - a multi-api format validator and gate-keeper tool for the api collection


  • go asyncapi - (forks: 3) (stars: 14) (watchers: 14) - asyncapi spec from go code
  • documentation component - (forks: 7) (stars: 6) (watchers: 6) - react component for rendering markdown, openapi, asyncapi and odata
  • java spring template - (forks: 5) (stars: 6) (watchers: 6) - java spring template for the asyncapi generator


  • asyncapi toolkit - (forks: 4) (stars: 13) (watchers: 13) - repository to host the asyncapi grammar, metamodel, and code generation tools


  • converter go - (forks: 5) (stars: 12) (watchers: 12) - convert asyncapi documents from older to newer versions with golang
  • converter js - (forks: 4) (stars: 3) (watchers: 3) - convert asyncapi documents from older to newer versions.


  • asyncapi directory - (forks: 0) (stars: 11) (watchers: 11) - ⇄ directory of asynchronous api specifications in asyncapi format


  • bindings - (forks: 9) (stars: 4) (watchers: 4) - asyncapi bindings specifications


  • vscode spectral - (forks: 2) (stars: 5) (watchers: 5) - visual studio code wrapper for the awesome spectral json/yaml linter with openapi/asyncapi support


Command Line Interface

  • bump cli - (forks: 1) (stars: 3) (watchers: 3) - cli - deploy your openapi & asyncapi documentations from your cii 

The number of GitHub action tools I find interesting. I see many of the patterns emerging in the AsyncAPI community that I have seen in the Swagger and OpenAPI communities. I also see some things that are different because the types of APIs being defined are different. This is one of the open source communities I will definitely be keen on mapping out over time to help me better understand where things are going.