Continuing my journey through all of the leading API specifications I pulled the top open source projects that I could find via via the GitHub API. Pulling the cream off the top of what is being built, allowing me to loosely organize them by stop along the API life cycle. Resulting in an interesting mix of open source tools in a variety of languages, and platforms.
finagle - (forks: 1352) (stars: 7638) (watchers: 7638) - a fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic rpc system
fbthrift - (forks: 475) (stars: 1931) (watchers: 1931) - facebook's branch of apache thrift, including a new c++ server.
zys - (forks: 278) (stars: 813) (watchers: 813) - high performance service framework based on yaf or swoole
spring cloud microservice - (forks: 236) (stars: 364) (watchers: 364) - spring-cloud-microservice-examples
hprose - (forks: 34) (stars: 326) (watchers: 326) - hprose is short for high performance remote object service engine. it's a serialize and rpc library, the serialize library of hprose is faster, smaller and more powerful than msgpack, the rpc library is faster, easier and more powerful than thrift.
workerman thrift - (forks: 115) (stars: 265) (watchers: 265) - thrift rpc for php based on workerman.
hibari - (forks: 24) (stars: 248) (watchers: 248) - hibari is a production-ready, distributed, ordered key-value, big data store. hibari uses chain replication for strong consistency, high-availability, and durability. hibari has excellent performance especially for read and large value operations.
gunicorn_thrift - (forks: 75) (stars: 190) (watchers: 190) - thrift app and worker for gunicorn!
elixir thrift - (forks: 31) (stars: 168) (watchers: 168) - a pure elixir thrift implementation
luxun - (forks: 35) (stars: 137) (watchers: 137) - a high-throughput, persistent, distributed, publish-subscribe messaging system based on memory mapped file and thrift rpc
thrift rpc server - (forks: 36) (stars: 115) (watchers: 115) - thrift rpc server based on swoole
dapeng soa - (forks: 30) (stars: 83) (watchers: 83) - a lightweight, high performance micro-service framework
disruptor_thrift_server - (forks: 27) (stars: 66) (watchers: 66) - lmax disruptor backed thrift server implementation (half-sync/half-async).
quasar thrift - (forks: 22) (stars: 41) (watchers: 41) - a thrift server that uses quasar's lightweight threads to handle connections.
sails - (forks: 13) (stars: 72) (watchers: 72) - create a thrift server use like rails
Thrifty - (forks: 19) (stars: 64) (watchers: 64) - thrifty include interface based remote call, tsl support, load balancing, and automatic service registration & discovery, thrift serializer, etc...
fast object pool - (forks: 38) (stars: 54) (watchers: 54) - a lightweight partitioned object pool, you can use it to pool expensive objects like jdbc connections, thrift clients etc.
nettythrift - (forks: 24) (stars: 54) (watchers: 54) - thrift on netty, support tcp/http/websocket at same port. support multiple protocols at same time. multil simple clients with connection pool.
atc - (forks: 8) (stars: 41) (watchers: 41) - atc is an open-source, development framework for the go programming language.(rest/grpc/queue/thrift/websocket)
ThriftS - (forks: 10) (stars: 39) (watchers: 39) - thrifts is a micro rpc framework based on apache thrift.
Code LIbraries
armeria - (forks: 534) (stars: 2570) (watchers: 2570) - asynchronous rpc/rest library built on top of java 8, netty, http/2, thrift and grpc
swift - (forks: 307) (stars: 856) (watchers: 856) - an annotation-based java library for creating thrift serializable types and services.
go thrift - (forks: 98) (stars: 323) (watchers: 323) - a native thrift package for go
thriftpy2 - (forks: 48) (stars: 336) (watchers: 336) - pure python approach of apache thrift.
riffed - (forks: 30) (stars: 289) (watchers: 289) - provides idiomatic elixir bindings for apache thrift
osquery go - (forks: 41) (stars: 212) (watchers: 212) - go bindings for osquery
osquery python - (forks: 35) (stars: 214) (watchers: 214) - python bindings for osquery's thrift api
maven thrift plugin - (forks: 68) (stars: 112) (watchers: 112) - maven thrift plugin that executes the thrift code generator (base on protocol buffers plugin)
thrift4go - (forks: 24) (stars: 128) (watchers: 128) - apache thrift for the go language
sparsam - (forks: 14) (stars: 118) (watchers: 118) - fast thrift bindings for ruby
php thrift sql - (forks: 38) (stars: 99) (watchers: 99) - a php library for connecting to hive or impala over thrift
thrift typescript - (forks: 26) (stars: 91) (watchers: 91) - generate typescript from thrift idl files
thriftrw go - (forks: 34) (stars: 53) (watchers: 53) - a thrift encoding code generator and library for go
goh - (forks: 22) (stars: 52) (watchers: 52) - golang client of hbase (via thrift)
stark - (forks: 11) (stars: 53) (watchers: 53) - optimized thrift bindings for ruby
Thrift Swift - (forks: 24) (stars: 46) (watchers: 46) - apache thrift native swift library
thriftrw node - (forks: 23) (stars: 46) (watchers: 46) - a thrift binary encoding library using bufrw
Code Generators
thrift parser - (forks: 13) (stars: 44) (watchers: 44) - a thrift parser built in typescript that generates a typescript ast that retains the thrift grammar
thrift2flow - (forks: 17) (stars: 38) (watchers: 38) - converts thrift specs into flow javascript type definitions
scrooge - (forks: 235) (stars: 710) (watchers: 710) - a thrift parser/generator
go - (forks: 19) (stars: 186) (watchers: 186) - decode/encode thrift message without idl
scrooge - (forks: 235) (stars: 710) (watchers: 710) - a thrift parser/generator
go - (forks: 19) (stars: 186) (watchers: 186) - decode/encode thrift message without idl
drift - (forks: 47) (stars: 148) (watchers: 148) - an annotation-based java library for creating thrift serializable types and services.
spring thrift starter - (forks: 55) (stars: 139) (watchers: 139) - set of cool annotations that helps you building thrift applications with spring boot
thrift generator - (forks: 51) (stars: 77) (watchers: 77) - a tool to use java interface to generate thrift file
pycassa - (forks: 141) (stars: 509) (watchers: 509) - python thrift driver for apache cassandra
kyuubi - (forks: 74) (stars: 211) (watchers: 211) - kyuubi is an enhanced editon of apache spark's primordial thrift jdbc/odbc server.
cpp serializers - (forks: 82) (stars: 484) (watchers: 484) - benchmark comparing various data serialization libraries (thrift, protobuf etc.) for c++
gosercomp - (forks: 35) (stars: 242) (watchers: 242) - :zap: golang serializer benchmark comparison
turbo - (forks: 21) (stars: 239) (watchers: 239) - a lightweight microservice tool, turn your grpc|thrift apis into http apis!
thrift_client - (forks: 77) (stars: 194) (watchers: 194) - a thrift client wrapper that encapsulates some common failover behavior
thrift tools - (forks: 36) (stars: 172) (watchers: 172) - thrift-tools is a library and a set of tools to introspect apache thrift traffic.
Command Line Interface
FCR - (forks: 22) (stars: 129) (watchers: 129) - fbnet-command-runner: a thrift service to run commands on heterogeneous network devices with configurable parameters.
thrift versioning doc - (forks: 13) (stars: 80) (watchers: 80) - best practices and examples for versioning thrift based services in a service oriented architecture
finagle java example - (forks: 32) (stars: 69) (watchers: 69) - quick example of a java thrift server and client using finagle
ThriftTutorial - (forks: 34) (stars: 40) (watchers: 40) - a tutorial for installing and using apache thrift.
thrift examples - (forks: 18) (stars: 48) (watchers: 48) - thrift examples : php client & python server
golang thrift minimal exa - (forks: 17) (stars: 37) (watchers: 37) - the apache thrift starter tutorial for golang, as a standalone repo
thrift mock - (forks: 19) (stars: 63) (watchers: 63) - a lightweight java test library for mocking thrift service
jack - (forks: 12) (stars: 51) (watchers: 51) - jack is a cluster manager built on top of zookeeper and thrift.
Firefly - (forks: 9) (stars: 51) (watchers: 51) - lightweight thrift client code generator and runtime library for android and java.
spark parquet thrift exam - (forks: 17) (stars: 44) (watchers: 44) - example spark project using parquet as a columnar store with thrift objects.
mapkeeper - (forks: 58) (stars: 12) (watchers: 12) - thrift based key-value store with various storage backends, including mysql, berkeley db, and leveldb.
sbt scrooge - (forks: 19) (stars: 43) (watchers: 43) - an sbt plugin that adds a mixin for doing thrift code auto-generation during your compile phase
thrift gradle plugin - (forks: 15) (stars: 40) (watchers: 40) - a gradle plugin for compiling thrift idl files using thrift compiler
ThriftBundle - (forks: 16) (stars: 44) (watchers: 44) - integrate thrift into symfony project
erlasticsearch - (forks: 17) (stars: 43) (watchers: 43) - erlang thrift interface to elastic_search
ngx_lua_thrift - (forks: 19) (stars: 38) (watchers: 38) - thrift lua for nginx.
Syntax Highlighting
thrift.vim - (forks: 9) (stars: 44) (watchers: 44) - syntax highlighting for thrift definition files.
spring thrift api gateway - (forks: 14) (stars: 37) (watchers: 37) - gateway for apache thrift requests processing that is built on spring cloud stack
I am pretty new to Thrift. I'm a data guy, but never got much production experience in the big data wave of things. With that said, I think there is a wealth of interesting patterns to assess when it comes to the Thrift community. The overlap with Avro, Protocol Buffers, and relevance when iti comes to message-driven, and event-driven makes it something worth staying in tune with.