I sat down and had a conversation with Pat Patterson, Chief Technical Evangelist at Backblaze. It was the first edition of my new podcast with someone other than me. ;-) Pat is an industry veteran, and someone I have followed the lead of for well over a decade. He makes for a reliable first guest because he can talk on just about any subject, but he has deep experience as an evangelist, so he also knows what is interesting at any given moment. I’ll let you listen to the podcast and decide what you think—you can watch here via Youtube, or go ahead and subscribe to my Apple or SoundCloud.
I find that Pat’s narrative around his job title is probably worth another discussion with him. It isn’t just about the evangelism world, it is about platforms, operations, and other business aspects of doing APIs intersecting–and him working his magic. But, it was also the discussion around Amazon S3 being a standard that really gets me thinking. In my old age I am really backing off the rigidness of my API design dogma and ideology and thinking more about just the business of doing APIs, and what matters most to consumers and a market-—Amazon S3 is the poster child for this. Anyways, I am going to have Pat back in a couple months to talk about authentication, standards, and whatever else is top of mind for cloud storage provider Backblaze.
If you are an API producer or consumer and would like to have a conversation with me, feel free to submit the questionnaire and let me know who you are, where you work, and what you’d like to talk about, and I’ll see if I can fit you into the calendar. I’m keen on doing as many of these as my schedule allows, but I am being pretty focused on API producers and consumers right now, so if you are an API service provider you’ll have to wait until I get my API Evangelist Partner Network up and running, and there will be conversation, advertising, and technology partnership opportunities there. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to share any feedback you might have via whatever channel makes sense, and thanks for joining me for a conversation Pat!