API Evangelist Conversation with Daniel Kocot, Head of API Consulting at codecentric AG

I have been wanting to chat with Daniel Kocot for a while now, and finally found an opportunity to have him by for a conversation on API specifications. He has a very nuanced view of OpenAPI as well as TypeSpec through his work on the ground within European enterprises. He shared his honest views of OpenAPI, but also helped educate me more about TypeSpec which is being championed as a representation of an API that will make more sense to developers and what they need to deliver an API. I’ll let you listen in and learn alongside me about where TypeSpec fits into the big picture

I want to have Daniel back to talk about not just specs, but API federation, management, and how all of this is feeding into the world of AI. I suspect Daniel will be a regular guest as he is seeing the reality on the ground of the enterprise that I am looking to focus API Evangelist Conversations on. I am definitely biased here, but feel like we need to shine a spotlight on what is happening on the enterprise API factory floor with a consulting lens rather than an API service or tooling lens, as it brings different conversations and needs to the surface. I’ll keep exploring and see if I can bring on other consultants to validate my hypothesis, and thanks to Daniel for stopping by in his busy schedule.

I am keen on learning more about TypeSpec, understanding what the motivations are behind it, and how it will benefit developers. I am also really keen on contrasting what I learn with my belief that we need to be focusing on what business stakeholders are needing, and less on what the technology side, and service or tooling areas are needing. I am pretty confident that the business side of APIs is where the most deficiencies are, and it isn’t just about generating revenue.