API Evangelist Conversation with Robert Buchanan, API Evangelist Driving API Integrations and API First practices at Procter & Gamble

My friend Robert Buchanan came by to talk with me about the top mistakes people are making with APIs, and why people see APIs as just a technical thing. Robert gets the world of enterprise APis, the business, technology, and policies of it and can speak honestly about where the source of truth for an API, and the role OpenAPI plays in API operations. I could just sit an ask Robert question after question for hours, but you’ll have to settle for this 15+ minutes of Robert sharing his wisdom.

I spent a lot of time talking with Robert while doing Breaking Changes. He was leading the API charge over at Kroger at the time, and as a Postman customer I spent a lot of time back channeling with him on issues across API operations. I am going to have him back to dig more into the custom HTTP method and semantics of API operations, something I am investing more time in as part of my APIs.json work. I can work my way through any API topic with Robert, but I enjoy our talks because I think we both share a healthy understanding of where the illness and struggle lies in our approach to APIs, and what we need to invest in to make things better. Anyways, thanks Robert for stopping by, until next time!!