API Evangelist Conversation with Jamie Tanna, Engineering Productivity at Elastic

I connected with Jamie Tanna on the API’s You Won’t Hate Slack channel, where I started subscribing to his blog. After reading his post on versioning, and more specifically why you should start the version for your API at 0.1.0 instead of 1.0.0, I knew I needed to have him come for a conversation. I really enjoyed Jamie’s calm and pragmatic approach to what web APIs are, what Semantic Versioning is, and how versioning and change management can really help us enable both API producers and consumers to stay aligned.

I am really enjoying the API versioning conversations. I had one with Stanislav Zmiev, Tech Lead of Platform Engineering at Monite about their versioning framework, and now this one with Jamie Tanna about where to start with versioning. I have some conversations started with folks who are in the no versioning camp with APIs, which I think will round off this conversation. These are exactly the types of conversations I am looking to have when it comes to shaping the policies I am developing to help govern the API lifecycle.