
Let me share what API-first is. I am very opinionated here. API-first is simply the prioritization of producing and consuming APIs over the application of digital resources and capabilities. API design first is API-first. API code first is API-first. API-first is not every single team and API within your organization following some spiritual path of API perfection and enlightenment. Being API-first means that as an organization you have made the commitment to prioritize APIs over the application of digital resources and capabilities. It means you are committed to doing the work to invest in your API strategy, follow and known API lifecycle, and bring the necessary reliability, observability, and governance to your operations. API-first is a journey, and not a destination. If you view API-first as some sort of complete state of API utopia, you will never get there. If you are committed to prioritizing APIs, and doing the work as an organization, then you are API-first.